Thursday, January 20, 2011


So today was a perfect day! First of all in Intro to Anatomy we found out our first test next week was only on Chapter 1 and part of 2 instead of Chapter 1-3. Then I got a text from an awesome person and was so happy because I haven't heard from him in awhile. Then on top of that Yoga was amazing. I am learning more about my fears and to conquer them. My UV Mentor class was hilarious because a girl said: "Most guys feel like they are dominant when they are working with girls but they aren't." It was hilarious. Then on top of that Stress Management class was a comedy show. I love that class! One of my favorites!!! Then I came home and have been in a great mood since!!!! Holy Cow I loved today!!!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Coach Boone

So UVU has been doing things to celebrate Martin Luther King day. They had Coach Boone come speak. Coach Boone, for those of you who don't know, is the coach off of Remember the Titans. He was the coach that lead the Titans to a win! It was way cool to see him in person! At first I didn't think I could go because I had a class but when I got to class today my professor told us that we were going because it is a once in a lifetime opportunity. His speech was pretty much AWESOME! First of all he said: "I told the team to become friends right now! Now there is a difference in right now and how we in the south say it is rate now. The difference is that Right now means do it whenever you get a chance. But rate now means do it so fast the Lord won't know what you did until next week." I was laughing so hard. He also told us that he told his team that the world would be watching them and they looked at him like sure they will. He said so I told them a story about a watch dog which goes a little something like this (This might not be word for word): A robber broke into a families house and started to take their heirlooms when he heard: "Hey robber, Jesus is watching." He looked around and didn't see anybody so he kept taking things when he heard: "Hey fool! Jesus is watching!" He shined the light into a corner and saw a bird and he asked the bird: "Are you talking to me?" and the bird said: "Ya." and the robber said: "What is your name?" and the bird said: "Moses." and the robber said "What fool would name a bird Moses?" and the bird said: "The same fool that name that watchdog Jesus." He tied this into that the community and world was watching his team so they better stick together and show what they believe in. He also told his team that you don't have to like each other I am not asking you that but you do have to respect each other. I could go on and on about things he said but to close when he first got there he said: "Usually Denzel and I do these motivational talks together but he couldn't come today. So he wanted me to tell you that he is a three time academy award winner but guess what you guys got the more good looking one out of the two so be grateful for that."

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

School, Family, and more

So school so far is doing pretty good. I love my institute class which is LDS History with Brother Barthelomew and I am actually helping with the class presidency so that is fun! I learn a lot in his class. I have my intro to anatomy class and we have not had a real class yet which bugs me but doesn't. I am taking a UV Mentor class which is so fun and actually I am loving it and hoping to become a UV Mentor. My first aid class is interesting and my Drugs, Behavior and Society class is so funny. Yoga is always awesome! I love Deni! Then I have a stress management class which is such a fun class and is very relaxing! lol! Hardly any stress. I am missing all my friends and cousins who are on missions right now. You really don't realize how much you talk to a person until they are gone....But I am so happy they are doing the Lord's work. I am teaching the seven year olds in primary and that is pretty fun. I can't wait for my Anne of Green Gables DVD to get here so I can watch it. Tomorrow I am babysitting for Rachel from three to six which should be fun. Hopefully we don't have anybody peeing their pants or anything to insane. Cross your fingers. Whenever I babysit Madison and Paul and Royal usually they tend to do something massive. Everything is going FANTASTIC!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

School is Starting!

School is starting back up tomorrow. After a nice break I get to go back to school tomorrow and start a couple of tough classes yes! I have to say I am excited for this new year!! I want to start running three K's so hopefully I can get back into shape after losing it over the break. I went running yesterday and usually I can run a full mile without stopping to walk but yesterday I had to walk a couple of times. Oh well! I am also excited to start YOGA up again with my new mat!!! I am really happy that Rachel got me that yoga relaxation C.D. because it helps me sleep! I got the best sleep ever a few nights ago! So Thanks Rachel!