This weekend has been crazy, fun, exciting, and every other noun in the English vocabulary. My aunts, uncles, and cousins from Oregon and Washington came down for a very fun weekend and we also got to babysit Madison and Paul from Saturday to Sunday. It has been a very fun week. I have learned a lot about myself and a lot about my nieces and nephews and how to raise kids. So my mom and dad picked up Madison and Paul on Saturday because my sister and brother-n-law went for a weekend getaway to Saint George! I didn't really get any homework done but that doesn't matter because of what I learned. First: Kids can make ya crazy but in the end they teach you valuable lessons. Second: Building relationships with family is super important. Third: Stress Management comes to use when you are feeling stressed. So Kids can make ya crazy it is true but they are also so adorable! My nephew Paul and Madison spent the night in my room. Paul drove me insane! He was constantly moving!!! I don't think he stopped!!! Then Madison was so cute sleeping like a princess. They would tell you to go away! or to stop! Paul would give you the longest hugs when he was sad and they always kept us laughing. I have realized this weekend that families are forever. No matter how insane they make you they will be there forever. They always got your backs! Even in the bad times family is always there where as friends aren't. My cousin Abby is amazing! She has always got my back and listens to the woes of a college student even though she is in highschool. She just is an amazing girl who has my back. Then you got my Aunt Pam who is just an amazing woman! No matter who the person is she is nice to them and loves listening to the dumbest things you have to say. Then my cousins in general keep me laughing. My sister-n-law Kristi is so loving and she understands everything I am going through. Then my mommy and daddy they love me no matter how stupid I am. They don't care about my mistakes but they care that I fix them and love me for who I am. Then my lovely sister Rachel who loves me for who I am as well. She listens to all my crazy ideas and craziness and she also is my best friend. I am so lucky to have her be my sister for eternity. She seriously drops everything to listen to me. She teaches me all the cooking skills I need for when I get married. She is awesome! I have so many amazing family members who all teach me how to be a better person. I am so excited for spending eternity with them. Friends will leave you but family is forever! Also Stress Management is awesome! The breathing helps me relax and also helps me not get angry as easily as i used too. Another thing is how to become more Chelseafied is to get crazy! Just sing and dance even when people are watching and you will go far! Remember becoming Chelseafied is a tough task but you can do it!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
The Weekend
This weekend has been crazy, fun, exciting, and every other noun in the English vocabulary. My aunts, uncles, and cousins from Oregon and Washington came down for a very fun weekend and we also got to babysit Madison and Paul from Saturday to Sunday. It has been a very fun week. I have learned a lot about myself and a lot about my nieces and nephews and how to raise kids. So my mom and dad picked up Madison and Paul on Saturday because my sister and brother-n-law went for a weekend getaway to Saint George! I didn't really get any homework done but that doesn't matter because of what I learned. First: Kids can make ya crazy but in the end they teach you valuable lessons. Second: Building relationships with family is super important. Third: Stress Management comes to use when you are feeling stressed. So Kids can make ya crazy it is true but they are also so adorable! My nephew Paul and Madison spent the night in my room. Paul drove me insane! He was constantly moving!!! I don't think he stopped!!! Then Madison was so cute sleeping like a princess. They would tell you to go away! or to stop! Paul would give you the longest hugs when he was sad and they always kept us laughing. I have realized this weekend that families are forever. No matter how insane they make you they will be there forever. They always got your backs! Even in the bad times family is always there where as friends aren't. My cousin Abby is amazing! She has always got my back and listens to the woes of a college student even though she is in highschool. She just is an amazing girl who has my back. Then you got my Aunt Pam who is just an amazing woman! No matter who the person is she is nice to them and loves listening to the dumbest things you have to say. Then my cousins in general keep me laughing. My sister-n-law Kristi is so loving and she understands everything I am going through. Then my mommy and daddy they love me no matter how stupid I am. They don't care about my mistakes but they care that I fix them and love me for who I am. Then my lovely sister Rachel who loves me for who I am as well. She listens to all my crazy ideas and craziness and she also is my best friend. I am so lucky to have her be my sister for eternity. She seriously drops everything to listen to me. She teaches me all the cooking skills I need for when I get married. She is awesome! I have so many amazing family members who all teach me how to be a better person. I am so excited for spending eternity with them. Friends will leave you but family is forever! Also Stress Management is awesome! The breathing helps me relax and also helps me not get angry as easily as i used too. Another thing is how to become more Chelseafied is to get crazy! Just sing and dance even when people are watching and you will go far! Remember becoming Chelseafied is a tough task but you can do it!
Monday, February 7, 2011
First of all I would just like to say how good I am doing at blogging. It is amazing! Well lets see first of all this morning I was putting on my boots to walk to my bus stop when I couldn't put it on. That is weird I thought and dumped out my shoe and inside was a pink toy car.... Madison is so cute! I love how she loves going into my room and playing with my things. I guess I get a little taste into what Rachel had for so many years. It is cute though I love it. Then I had to catch the bus this morning because I have no car but that is a long story. I will talk about that later. The bus just stinks but I guess I will have to survive. I got in a great workout and now I am just sitting and pondering about my Intro to anatomy work. I must get it done. So this is the life of Chelsea. I don't have a lesson to become Chelseafied but don't worry it will come it will come!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Chelseafied Continued
First to start out I am now teaching the seven year old's in primary. We started today a sticker chart where if they are quiet and participate in Sharing Time they get a sticker and if they are quiet and listen and participate in class they get a sticker. They need a hundred stickers for a prize. My class was so reverent in Sharing Time then we went to class and it was like all mayhem broke loose. They were on some sort of laughing craziness spree! It drove me insane. I tried whispering and turning off the lights. I don't know what to do to get them to be reverent in class I am hoping next week they are but we will see. If you have any ideas let me know! Anything will help. So my Aunt Debbie was talking to me about how she could become more "Chelseafied." I told her that it would be hard but that every so often on my blog I would give her one thing to work on to become more "Chelseafied." So first things first I will give you one thing to work on each day. The first thing is to become more "Chelseafied" you need to be able to exaggerate and dramatize a story. Not in a bad way where it hurts people but just in a funny way like if you are telling a story about screaming about a tiny spider just change it to say the spider was HUGE like the size of my hand huge!!! Just little things like that and pretty soon you will be a little more "Chelseafied." Well that is it for me tonight. I will write some more soon. Oh and for those who want to manage their stress I recommend doing some deep breathing. You breath in and say 1 then breath out and say relax. Breathe in and say 2 and then breathe out and say relax. When you breathe in/out use your diaphragm not your shoulders. Do this whenever you feel stress and then you will feel more relaxed.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Well....I pretty much love my UV Mentor and Stress Management Classes! They are so fun! I also am loving every minute of Yoga even though some of the moves I can't do quite yet. So I lost my UV ID and parking pass but my friend found my parking pass and I found my UV ID in my PE locker at school! Well on Wednesday I met with my UV mentor's and my teacher because I am teaching this thursday! So we were talking about my lesson and things then we got on the topic of my many nicknames. One of the UV Mentors said: "My nickname for you is going to be Chelseafied. I can't wait for when you teach so I can become Chelseafied." It was pretty funny. Then my stress management class is teaching more and more about listening to my body's signals for stress and I have realized when I don't get enough sleep I get a cold! So now I am sleeping more and more. I also have found one of my favorite meditations is a quick nap. It is awesome! I will be posting more about my relaxation techniques. I also will probably start posting recipes and things. Oh and I got a postcard from my Uncle Steve who I hardly get to see and talk too! I was so happy that I got a postcard from him! It meant the world to me! Also for those of you who know my friend talked to me in school on Thursday and I texted him and he texted me back so I am hoping we become better friends. Anyways! That is it for now! Tonight my sister is coming over for her birthday and it should be a blast! Then tomorrow I get to babysit all her kids. So excited and also The Office Last night was pretty funny and cute! I loved it!
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