Friday, November 9, 2012

God Is There

So tonight is one of the hardest nights I have had in a long time probably since September. I felt trapped. My parents didn't want me to leave the house cause the roads were bad. My friends couldn't come get me and I felt so stuck. I didn't want to be at home. I didn't really want to be anywhere. So I went outside and read my scriptures on the porch watching the snow and reading. The scripture I read was exactly what I needed. I then decided to walk in the newly fallen snow and talk to God. He let me vent to Him of everything I didn't like in my life. I was wondering what I was doing wrong. He simply responded nothing. You need to have patience. I told Him that patience was hard and He told me it will get better. I asked Him why I couldn't be what the world marks as beautiful and He said cause you are beautiful to me and that's what matters. He also reminded me of those men in my life who find me attractive. He told me to trust in His timing. I know it is easier said than done but it just felt good to know someone was listening. I am not saying that everything will be perfect now but I know that He is there, listening. God wants us to talk to Him but He won't force himself upon us. God knows how our life will turn out. He knows the end so we need to trust Him. I am grateful to know I am doing nothing wrong but not having trust and patience.
I am grateful for this gospel. I am grateful for my blessings. Yes I have some hard times but in the end it is just a crease in the fold of time. God loves us. That's all that matters.