So let's see Rachel and I have been doing Zumba every Tuesday and Thursday from six to seven. On thursday's I have started to go tanning with my mom in the morning after the gym! I can't wait to graduate. My first graduation is on April 30 at Utah Valley University where I will get my Associate of Science degree. Then on May 26th I will graduate from Utah County Academy of Science with my highschool diploma. I have been Student Body President at UCAS for a year. I am loving every minute of being down there. I got asked to Prom which is a week from Saturday and I am so excited!!! Life is going great! Easter was way fun with hanging out with my family and just chilling. I am not so good at blogging but with more people following I decided I better get better at it. We will see how it goes. Especially with me in Oregon for all this summer I think my family will hopefully want to know what I am doing. I also recently got my Senior Pictures done by Trevor pictured above. Heidi edited them which is so amazing! She is way good at editing. I sense a company starting.....
I made a post about the pictures too. I sent you an invitation on Facebook.
I got it but how do I follow your blog on my blog. By the way Debbie and I were wondering if you could take more in the spring!
Yeah a post. It has been fun doing Zumba with you but this post made me sad because it just hit me you'll be gone all summer - what will I do without you?
I know I still stink at blogging Rachel. haha. I just got this today what a horrible person I am. I know! I will miss you so much! But at least I am not going to Weber in the Fall and then I will do Zumba with you in the Fall! YA!!!!! You still better go in the summer.... I will call and remind you. haha.
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