Thursday, March 31, 2011

It has been awhile....

Well my followers which is only Rachel since she is the only one that comments. lol. Just kidding. But to everyone who reads this I haven't written in awhile. Life is HECTIC! School is CRAZY! i haven't even had time to think. I am so glad the semester is almost over then I start my summer classes. Yes that is right I am taking summer classes! I am taking a Respiratory Therapy class and a Biomedical Core class online from Weber then I am taking a CNA course. I still am in the process of applying for the UV mentor program and hope I make it even though I will only be in it for a year. Oh well..... So anyways I am so excited for conference this weekend! It always is so exciting to listen to what the prophet has to say to us. I am even more excited this year because of my Institute teacher. He has gotten me so excited to listen. I am also excited because the week after conference a YSA stake will be created for all of Orem's YSA!!!! I am going to the creation of it with my friend Ali. I am so excited. I am going to most likely start going to the singles ward in July or August. So excited! I can't wait to meet people. It is a little scary though. Everything else is going good. All my missionary buddies are safe and doing well. I can't believe most of them have been out a year. Well I will post more often after this semester is over.

1 comment:

Debbie Mayne said...

Love it....Love, Love, Love it!!! Very informative post Chach. BTW, Bella is safe and sound...don't worry!