Thursday, January 3, 2013


This Christmas Break I have learned a lot about myself through my weaknesses. I have had amazing friends and family who have been there for me and helping me understand myself in ways I didn't think possible. This break I was diagnosed with Mono and had an enlarged spleen. One of my friends and I started talking about the emotional ties to sicknesses and what triggered the mono. He talked to me about different emotional triggers. He has this book of sicknesses and the emotional triggers to each one. I realized that I didn't get mono from someone else but I got mono from myself. I have been through a lot of tough things lately and felt lost. I am so grateful I knew who to turn to. I turned to God. I let Him carry my burdens & trials. I finally let Him and my family and friends in to help me. I have realized that I have many weaknesses that can be turned to strengths. I don't regret any choices I have made. They have helped me become a stronger person. I know that God is there. I know He loves us. No matter what we have done He will always love us and wants us to let Him in. 
So this friend of mine then started to talk to me about essential oils and which ones will help me with my mono and help my body balance itself back out. It helps your spirit and body become one. I have started rubbing essential oils on since yesterday I have felt a lot better. I know a lot of you are thinking it is all in my head, but I believe my body and spirit were out of sync with each other. I hope this makes sense. I am still really out of it and my brain is groggy. 
School starts next week as well. It is my last semester of school for a year. I am uber excited and also very nervous. My whole life I have been very dedicated to my education. It is going to be interesting to not start in the fall again. I have also come to love being a mentor and don't want to give that up. Luckily for me I know that with each end to something there is always something better around the corner. I am applying to be an EFY counselor and should finish that up this week and hopefully will be a counselor this summer. I feel like that is my "mission." I have wanted to be an EFY counselor since I was 14 and went  to EFY. I also want to tell my mom, dad, sister, brothers (Jordan this includes you), and sister-n-laws how grateful I am to each of you. You never give up on me and have always been right beside me supporting me. Thank you all so much for everything! I love all of you. :)

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