Sunday, November 13, 2011

Long Time

It has been a long time and I don't know where to begin. Life has been pretty stressful for me lately. I am literally so excited for Christmas break. Because even over Thanksgiving I will be studying like a mad woman just to try and pass my class. I have never had so much trouble with a class. Luckily I have a certain someone who writes to me once a month and they seem to come at the hardest times in my life and they make me so happy. He is awesome! He gets back in May which is crazy how fast that is! Anyways.... At school I am dealing with bullies and junk like that hopefully Monday it will all be taken care of.
I have been trying to go to all my church meetings even ward prayer. And I actually have been meeting some pretty cool people. Come to find out my neighborhood has people my age here. SHOCKER! I really am just trying to get through these next months and hopefully life will get a bit easier. In the summer I am not taking any classes. HALLELUJAH! Thanks everybody for thinking of me and calling me. You know who you are. Especially my big sister, aunt, and mom for helping me get through this barrier at school. It has meant a lot to me to have you guys there.
Life is overall good though. I am still losing weight and trying to work out every day.
Chelsea :)

Monday, October 10, 2011

What a Month....

So this month school has been crazy! It will finally settle down this weekend actually. So I decided while I was sitting here waiting to go to my mentoring class I would write on my blog since I haven't in a long time. My mom and sister are finally back from their trip which is super nice! I didn't really like living on my own for a week. It was pretty boring. It was nice when I needed to do homework but other than that I talked to myself or sang really loud. I don't like silence where most people do I don't. I had the flu last monday and got better by monday night. I then had to cram for a test that I am taking today. I had a calling to fulfill and on top of everything I managed to do everything I needed to do. I have a new found appreciation for little kids. I love my neice and nephews. At times they drive me crazy but I realized when they were gone that life isn't interesting when they aren't around. They are my joy! I love them so much. I can't wait for fall break so I can spend more time with them and catch up on some sleep. I am cutting my hair on Thursday and will post pictures after. Then tonight I am going with my mom to the gym and then for some facials. My dad is still in India...but he says he will be home Friday. I guess we will see about that.....I can't wait to see him. He is probably a skinny little thing since all he has lived on is water and protein bars because everything looks super scary to eat down there. My siblings have helped me out so much this week especially Trevor for coming over when I needed someone the most during the flu. Also Steven and Kristi were there when I was the lonliest eating dinner and watching movies with me! But staying home alone has made me a stronger individual and I know now that I am pretty independent.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Twilight Zone

So first I must apologize but my life has been HECTIC! Between school, mentoring, family, and church I am booked which is a good thing because time goes by faster and soon May will be here. If you don't know what happens in May you should find out fast! haha. So my professor that I mentor with was taking a business test so he got a substitute (another professor at UVU who has his Masters in facial expressions and body reading). He came in and told the class he could read us just by looking at our body and how we hold ourselves. I totally believed him because of what my friend who is a mentor, Jeff, told me about him. My class kept saying Chelsea you got to have him read you so we can see if it is true. I kept telling them no but finally at the end of class I asked him to read me he said he would. It was INSANE! He told me that first I love to talk and be heard but no one listens. I have to speak 3-4 times before I am heard! Trevor and Kristi and Debbie will testify that is true. Then he told me that I am a very happy person and have a lot of love to give. He told me that my future spouse will be a very lucky man because of how much love I am willing to give. He warned me to be careful though because some guys will take advantage and walk all over me. I am going to heed his warning. Anyways those are the two things that I loved from it. I have also really come to appreciate the Atonement more. I thought i understood it but these past few weeks I have realized again what an amazing gift it is! I am so grateful for everything I have been given especially my family! They are truly a gift! I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. Dating=hard. For those interested in my love life I so far have not gone on any dates. I don't want to ask guys out I want to be asked out. I have been told by many a people that they want to hook me up with sons, grandsons, and friends. Nothing has happened. So I will keep playing it cool until I get asked. I really wish Gilbert Blythe would come sweep me off my feet but he is stuck in a movie! :( Love ya'll!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Atonement

Lately I have been thinking about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. I have finally realized or I should say comprehended what the Atonement is. I have realized that Jesus Christ knows me (literally). I didn't understand that before but He KNOWS Me. He knows my fears, strengths, weaknesses, pain, and everything I go through. Today in Sacrament Meeting a girl in my ward gave her talk and used the footprints in the sand poem. That is what Christ's atonement is for. He carries us in the lowest times of our lives. He has carried me. He has never left me alone. I never understood that until my Tetons Trip and for some other things that have been going on in my life it hit me hard. I am trying more to rely on my Savior. To have Him carry my burdens and help me through the rough patches. We all need the atonement whether it is for forgiveness or just for some understanding. I have been trying more to pray to my Savior about helping me through the trials that I have faced lately. And I can say that He has carried me, comforted me, and given me strength to keep moving. I am so grateful to my Savior.

Who Says!

Lately I have been listening to the song Who Says by: Selena Gomez. It is my new theme song. Some of the lyrics are: I wouldn't wanna be anybody else. You made me insecure. Told me I wasn’t good enough. But who are you to judge when you’re a diamond in the rough. I’m sure you got some things
You’d like to change about yourself But when it comes to me I wouldn’t want to be anybody else. I really like these lyrics it echos how I have been feeling lately. In junior high and high school there were some people who made fun of me and let me tell you it was hard. I was confused about who I was and why people were treating me this way. I finally realized that I don't want to be anybody else. I like who I am.
The next set of lyrics that I love are: I'm no beauty queen. I'm just beautiful me.......Who says, who says your not perfect. Who says your not worth it. Who says your not perfect...Who says your not beautiful. The reason why I love these lyrics is because I have finally felt beautiful. I have slowly been losing the weight that I gained a year ago. I know I wasn't obese but I was overweight and didn't feel good anymore. This song is my new theme song. I am going to try to remember that I am beautiful and who cares what people say. You are the only one that matters. I have finally realized that. I am no longer trying to get the approval of others because that is impossible. I am just going to work on loving myself and getting my approval which is possible.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Finals are over!

Today is a great day because FINALS are over!! No more school! I can now enjoy the rest of my summer vacation! I am so pumped. I can also catch up on sleep and maybe watch some chick flicks. I have endless possibilities! I got a 77% on my comprehensive final which is awesome for me! Now all I need to make this week is a letter from Andrew! He must be super busy which is great but at the same time I love getting his letters. I am still coming up with ideas for my list of 25 things. It is a working progress. I think that is all for now.

Friday, July 29, 2011

School and Life

Well it has been a bit since I wrote but I feel like no one reads my blog so sometimes it is weird to write. Well so far on my list of 25 things I want to do before I am married is this:
1. River Rafting down the Snake (I know I am accomplishing this in a few weeks but I just wanted it on my list because it is a major thing for me)
2. EFY Counselor
3. Palmyra Pageant
4. Bachelors Degree (Respiratory Therapy and Community Health Education)
5. Make my shirt quilt (Most people won't understand what this is but you take a bunch of your old shirts and make a quilt)
6. Run a Half Marathon
7. Learn to Golf
8. Hike Timpanogos
9. Get into my weight range that I want to be in
10. Learn to bake/cook some of our family recipes

So I still have 15 more things to put on but this is a start. I am actually getting pretty excited for the Tetons trip. What I once feared is now turning into an exciting thing. I am still nervous but slowly am realizing that it will be fun. School has been taking over my life! Luckily I am almost done! On August 6!! HALLELUJAH! Actually it will be the 5th. I can't wait! I am so excited for family that is coming into town and I am especially excited to see my Cousin Chandler who will be coming home off his mission in a few weeks!!! I can't wait to see him! He is my favorite cousin on my dad's side of the family. It will be fun to have him home! He met my friend who is on his mission so I can't wait to see what Chandlers version of the story is. Well life is good. I am loving every minute of it and realizing how much I need to work on. I hope that everyone is having a good summer. Love ya'll!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Wisdom Teeth, Homework, and Tests OH MY!

This week has been crazy!! I got my wisdom teeth out on Monday. Don't worry I didn't lose any wisdom.... or at least I hope I didn't. Monday was okay. I was pretty out of it all day and didn't really know what was going on. My mom did everything for me that day. Put gauz in my mouth, set up my bed for me so I was elevated, got me soft foods, drink, pills, and was there for me 100 percent of the time. Tuesday was lets just say not a fun day. I was nauseous all day and dizzy. I felt like I was going to pass out and my mother had to walk behind me so I wouldn't fall. I almost threw up but luckily kept it in. I stopped taking the pain meds because that was what was making me so sick! Luckily I got a bunch of ice cream, smoothies, and so much more! Wednesday I started to feel a little better and got back into my homework schedule... kind of.... Thursday was insane! I went with Rachel and her kids shopping to get out of the house and walk around. Then i came home and started on homework. I thought that I wasn't going to finish in time before Weber shuts down there computer system but I did! HALLELUJAH! I just finished everything and now just have to study for my test on Tuesday then start working on studying for the next test after that on saturday. Then my final and then I am done! One thing I have learned through this experience is that no matter what Heavenly Father is listening to my every concern. He truly knows me and knows what I needed this week. I have an amazing family who took care of me. My sister, sister-n-laws, brothers, dad, and mom. I don't know if it is because I am the baby but all I know is that my family has my back 100 percent of the time. They were there for me through the worst and the best this week. They inspire me and encourage me to keep going. So many times I wanted to quit but having my sister call me this week and remind me to do homework ( I know I sound like I am 12) really helped. I have also been trying so hard to think of others before myself and slowly I am changing that habit. I have been trying to focus on who I can pray for and help in my life. My next goal is to get back to working out which the doctor told me I won't be myself for another week when it comes to stuff like that and eating. So for now I will think of others and eat soft foods, and keep enduring through school!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

More About Life

Hey All! So I decided to do a real post instead of a silly one. So my mom recently bought me a book written by a LDS author and I felt like it was written for me. I feel like everywhere I turn marriage is thrown into my face. I don't want to get married, yet. I don't feel ready but yet I feel a lot of girls my age are jumping in the water and getting married. Sometimes I feel like a failure to LDS society and that I should be dating someone seriously like most of the girls my age. So this book is about this girl who feels that same way. She decides to make a list of things she wants to accomplish before she gets married. A list of stuff she wants to do so she can be a better wife and maybe after she completes it she will be ready for marriage. I decided I will do just that. I am slowly coming up with things in my mind for my list. I just don't want to get married yet. I am not ready. I am lucky because I have sister-n-laws and a wonderful sister who agree with me but others around me I feel want me to get married. I will keep you updated on my list. I am so excited to read this book and I will keep you updated on it.
To all those girls out there who feel as I do you are not alone. Lol!

My New Friend

So I have a new friend... I think... My brother and sister-n-law just went to Oregon to visit one of my favorite Aunts, Debbie, she is awesome. Well they brought back a gift from her and it was... drum roll... Janice's new friend Jasmine. Jasmine is just like Janice but smaller. She can fit almost anywhere so it is fun carrying her around. Now a lot of you won't understand this so if you have any questions just ask if you can see Jasmine. She loves visitors. So far we haven't gone on any adventures because she is trying to recover from the flight where she was put in Trevors backpack. I will keep you posted on our adventures and it is less then 1 week before my wisdom teeth come out!!!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer Resolutions

As I have been reading other peoples blogs I have realized that many people are making summer resolutions if you will. So I decided to write on some things I would like to change. I am not perfect ( I know shocking right lol). I have lately been thinking (especially on sundays) what I can do to improve myself. I realized that my brothers have been staying away from t.v. and videogames etc. and have seen the change it has brought over them. I decided that I need to stay away from movies that don't invite the spirit into my life. Mainly staying away from pg-13 movies except for Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. I mean staying away from those that I wouldn't feel comfortable watching if the Savior was sitting by me. I have also realized how I tend to talk without listening. I am going to try harder to actually listen to people or like Brian Regan puts it stop using the ME monsters. I also want to work on not caring what people think of me. Not everyone is going to like me and I need to accept that. I need to not worry about what others think because the only people who I care about what they think of me is my family. I also want to not be afraid of trying new things. For instance I am going with a group from UVU to the tetons and we are going river rafting. River rafting scares me but I am going to face the fear and go river rafting because I know I will be safe if I wear my life jacket. I also went on the ski lift at sundance for the fourth with my parents. I faced my fear of heights and did it. Of course I won't do anything stupid but I am not going to let my irrational fears take over. I have been loving singles ward and am still doing GREAT in school! Mainly because of my excellent professors. I also am going to try fencing with my sister-n-law which should be a fun adventure. I am also loving the single life. I am trying to do all the things I want to do and have to be single for like EFY counseling, palmyra pageant, running the amazing race with my dad, and also accomplishing my education. I don't want to have any regrets when I get married. I want to have done everything I wanted to do so I can be the type of wife and mother that my future husband and kids deserve. Anyways that is my post for this week. And mainly I have realized that these past few months are that friends come and go but your family will never leave you. They are your true friends.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Well today I woke up at nine fifty and took that bath that I so desired. I listened to my I-pod while I just relaxed. After my soak I found a note from my dad wishing me a happy birthday. I also recieved many phone calls and texts and facebook posts. I then did some ironing and watched Anne of Green Gables (my favorite movie of all time)! Rachels kids sung to me a beautiful rendition of Happy Birthday (even Royal was involved). Then Debbie not only called me at one in the morning but she called me with kevin and Ethan to sing Happy Birthday to me! They did an awesome rendition! I loved it! Then my parents knowing I love sushi went to Harmons and bought me some sushi. My dad then hearing my subtle hints about him getting me flowers for my birthday got me a beautiful plant in a pot that fits me perfectly. After we all ate lunch together he went back to work and I buckled down and studied for my test tomorrow morning. After that I took a power nap! Then after that I started back to saying thanks to people who sent me birthday messages on facebook. Then now I am posting on my blog! It has seriously been one of my favorite birthdays of all time because I have been spending it with my best friends in the whole wide world, My Family! Friends come and go but Family stays with you forever. They love you when your a brat and they are there in your weakest times to lift you up! Thanks to my family for everything they do for me! They are truly the greatest gift I have!

Living the Vida Loca

So my birthday is today! Yay me! I am still a twelve year old on the inside though. I took a shower last night and read scriptures and did my usual ready to bed things. I looked at the clock and it read ten thirty! YES! I thought to myself. I will go to bed early, wake up in the morning, take a bath, and just take it easy! Well that all changed as I was pulled out of bed and had a pillow case shoved over my face. I don't really remember the being in my house part but my siblings say I was screaming: "Save me, Save me DAD!" I also remember telling Steven I need my shoes and that I also needed a you know what! LOL! Steven told me he would take care of it. I knew Kristi ( His wife) was there but that was about it. They put my shoes on and we were off. As i got into the car they buckled me in and started to drive. We listened to songs as they kept turning up the volume then turning it down again. It was CRAZY! Then they all thought it would be hilarious to stop in the middle of state street get out of the car run around it and get back in except Steven (the little sweetie he is) wanted to freak me out and so sat in the back....when i couldn't feel my big brother there I freaked out!!!!!! Who was in the car with me now?! So I tried to take my blindfold off when someone shoved it back on. I lost it again! I screamed. But who can blame me I didn't know who was in the car with me! Well when we got to where we were going they left me in the car and started bouncing on it. CRAZY! They finally let me out of the car but still with the blindfold on. They guided me into what I thought was a hotel but really was... drum roll please.... IHOP! haha. It was amazing food. And I saw rachel, jordan, trevor, heidi, kristi, steven, john, and his wife mary all smiling at me! What an awesome way to start out my birthday. I am truly lucky to have siblings who care so much about me to make it a night I will never forget. They are amazing! I love them all! Thanks steven and kristi for planning it! You don't know how much it meant to me!

Fun in the Sun

So I will be doing a lot of posting today. First I will talk about yesterday at seven peaks. I went with my sister (Rachel) and her three kids (Madison, Paul, and Royal), my mom. It was a blast! I mean talk about having fun. Her kids bring out the youth in me. So it was way fun to sit with Paul as he anticipated the wave pool and watch them go down the slides. To bad he had to pee before we could enjoy the wave pool. He was Mr. Adventure. And I loved holding him as we went around lazy river. Having him just lay back and talk to me about all the slides he liked and just what he enjoyed at the park. He is such an awesome nephew! I love him! Madison was not as adventuress but she did take on some slides. It was an overall great day! I got burnt on my shoulders (not bad) just in the wrong place. It was great to be out in the sun and enjoying a day at seven peaks with the people I love.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Crazy Little thing Called Life

So I was sitting in my computer room reading some missionary letters when I thought to myself...."Hey, you are done with homework for the night you should post something on your blog!" So I am following the guide of my mind. I am so excited for my birthday! I don't know why but birthdays make me so happy! This week has been a good one. My nana took me to buy a watch for my birthday, I got a letter from you know who (or most of you know anyways), pictures, and I get to share my birthday dinner with my incredible mother! I am tooo excited! The only thing that is putting a damper on my mood is my test coming up on friday but I am studying hard! So I know I will perform well. My Wisdom Teeth count down is starting. I get them out July 18 if any of you want to come comfort me on that day you can! I am up for visitors! My Hometeachers called and are coming to meet with me Sunday. That should be interesting. Well I love you all and remember my birthday is coming up!!! Wink Wink

Sunday, June 19, 2011

17 Miracles

So I decided while I am on to do another post. haha. So recently I went with my parents to see the movie 17 Miracles. It is about the Willie and Martin handcart companies that came across the plains late in the season. It is only playing in Utah. This movie is the most uplifting, amazing, and clean movie I have seen in awhile. After seeing it I wanted to be a better person. It is a tear jerker so take a box of tissues. I recommend it for all. These people are my heroes and I can't believe what they went through but it was all worth it in the end.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


Well life has been treating me well. I have been keeping it busy. I am taking 2 online summer classes and getting 86 percent or higher on my tests. It has been just amazing. I love my professors and learning. I also believe that it is because of answers to my prayers that has kept me calm and collected before my tests.
The singles ward is AMAZING! I am supposed to be there. I have had so many spiritual experiences and prayers that have been answered either in sacrament meeting and relief society. Heavenly Father truly KNOWS us personally and lately I have come to realize that better than I have before.
My lifestyle change has been amazing! I have been losing weight and feeling better. I love running with my dad and working out with my mom! It has been so much fun to share that with them. My birthday is coming up and it will be my final teen birthday which seems weird for me. My wisdom teeth are coming out in a few weeks on July 18 so we will see how that goes. I will try to write more. But this is my life as I know it! :)

Thursday, March 31, 2011

It has been awhile....

Well my followers which is only Rachel since she is the only one that comments. lol. Just kidding. But to everyone who reads this I haven't written in awhile. Life is HECTIC! School is CRAZY! i haven't even had time to think. I am so glad the semester is almost over then I start my summer classes. Yes that is right I am taking summer classes! I am taking a Respiratory Therapy class and a Biomedical Core class online from Weber then I am taking a CNA course. I still am in the process of applying for the UV mentor program and hope I make it even though I will only be in it for a year. Oh well..... So anyways I am so excited for conference this weekend! It always is so exciting to listen to what the prophet has to say to us. I am even more excited this year because of my Institute teacher. He has gotten me so excited to listen. I am also excited because the week after conference a YSA stake will be created for all of Orem's YSA!!!! I am going to the creation of it with my friend Ali. I am so excited. I am going to most likely start going to the singles ward in July or August. So excited! I can't wait to meet people. It is a little scary though. Everything else is going good. All my missionary buddies are safe and doing well. I can't believe most of them have been out a year. Well I will post more often after this semester is over.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Almost Spring Break!

Spring Break is almost here!!! I am so excited! And the weather is looking good. I love spring weather. I am so excited that winter is gone hopefully it doesn't come back! I have a test monday then classes on tuesday but then I AM DONE!!! For the week. I start back on monday but still any break you can get as a college student you take it. I LOVE ANNE OF GREEN GABLES! I watched it this weekend with my friend, Khloe, and I just love it. Gilbert is my dream man! I mean he is such an awesome, funny, and kind hearted guy. He is attractive too. But he is in a movie. That is it for now! I will write some more later.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Today was.... Monday

Well Today as you all know is Monday. This means the Monday blues or Monday is stinky or Monday is Terrible. For some reason that I do not understand Monday is supposed to be the horrible day in the week. Well today was not that bad for me. I know I will get probably tarred and feathered for this but I liked today. To start out I slept AMAZINGLY last night. Which for me hardly happens but I found a new pillow that I love. So that has helped me sleep better. Then next I find out my parents are going out of town Thursday-Saturday. For most of the people out there that means PARTY! But for me I thought how fun would it be to just have fun with my sister-n-laws so on Thursday Kristi for sure is coming over and maybe Heidi for just a fun girls night to get to know them better. I mean we are going to be together for eternity. Then on Friday my Best Friend (I have a lot of them) Khloe is coming over and we might go out for ice cream and meet up with some friends then come back to my house and I am going to introduce her to Anne of Greene Gables!!! My all time favorite chick flick! Any guy who wants to marry me is going to have to watch it with me. haha.
Okay so then today I was reading my paper that my Best Friend Rachel! i know she is my sister but we are best friends. I love her so much (Rachel I don't want anything from you so I am not kissing up it is true). Corrected and found that I was super tired when I wrote this because there was one line in my paper that she couldn't figure out how to fix it. I wrote: It is just a scary thought especially when you think who has does not even know this. I KNOW!!! SCARY RIGHT!!! I must be just ready for spring break. So we had a good laugh out of that which I know you will too. I know you are still laughing it is okay. Make fun of me. Keep laughing. Alright so then I played with my Nephew, Paul, a bit and am now taking a break from some homework. So no today was not a bad day. The one thing that was not so good was I had a test but even then who cares!!! Mondays are not bad!! Oh and by the way for those of you who are up to date with my feelings for boys and know my love life. I am done with the birthday package!! For those of you confused get to know me better. I also finished a VERY funny letter to him as well.
My tip for becoming Chelseafied is to turn Mondays into good days! Go against the grain!! HAVE A FUN MONDAY EVERYONE!!!! And for stress management I want you to take some time for yourself. Tell your husband (if you are married) that you need time for yourself and do something you LOVE!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Life in the Funny Lane

So well this week has been crazy! It has had ups, downs, and curves. But overall I am still Chelsea! haha. Anyways so I had a nutrition paper due this week that my mother so kindly read and critiqued. She is awesome and helps me with everything. Then I turned that in and just am hoping that my teacher likes it. Then you would think life would slow down but no! It doesn't because I then have a nutrition test on monday, drugs paper due on wednesday, service hours for classes, and so much more! Midterms galore! Oh well i have done this before and i can do it again. It just seems school gets harder each passing year but some classes are still fun like my yoga and stress management class. With all of this going on I have had no time for my blog but sitting here thinking about my drugs paper I remembered what my stress management professor told me and that is sometime during the day take time for yourself so that is what I am doing. I love blogging and so writing down little stories and journal entries is fun. Well I have finally realized something this week. This sounds crazy I know but don't worry I do have fun like last night I went to Rachels for Dinner and to play with Madison and Paul. It brought back a lot of childhood memories and also Mr. Royal always makes me smile because he is making more noises now! Lets see what else in my life oh funny story.... so in my same class that the nickname "Chelseafied" came up in something happened today. So we were in class and my professor told her to move by this other girl and work with her. We will call the first one Liz and the Second one Barb. So Liz said no she wasn't going over there. Well my professor was shocked! Yes you are going over there why don't you want to work wiht Barb? Then liz said: "I am intimated by her smarts!" WOW! I thought! Finally after we were done I told my mentors and Professor: "I want someone to be intimated by my smarts!" Well that got everyone laughing. If you want more details call me or something. Then the last words of advice from me is this don't worry so much! Do some yoga and relax! You can't change everything! Here is the tip for being more Chelseafied and that is write a missionary like I do. :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Weekend

This weekend has been crazy, fun, exciting, and every other noun in the English vocabulary. My aunts, uncles, and cousins from Oregon and Washington came down for a very fun weekend and we also got to babysit Madison and Paul from Saturday to Sunday. It has been a very fun week. I have learned a lot about myself and a lot about my nieces and nephews and how to raise kids. So my mom and dad picked up Madison and Paul on Saturday because my sister and brother-n-law went for a weekend getaway to Saint George! I didn't really get any homework done but that doesn't matter because of what I learned. First: Kids can make ya crazy but in the end they teach you valuable lessons. Second: Building relationships with family is super important. Third: Stress Management comes to use when you are feeling stressed. So Kids can make ya crazy it is true but they are also so adorable! My nephew Paul and Madison spent the night in my room. Paul drove me insane! He was constantly moving!!! I don't think he stopped!!! Then Madison was so cute sleeping like a princess. They would tell you to go away! or to stop! Paul would give you the longest hugs when he was sad and they always kept us laughing. I have realized this weekend that families are forever. No matter how insane they make you they will be there forever. They always got your backs! Even in the bad times family is always there where as friends aren't. My cousin Abby is amazing! She has always got my back and listens to the woes of a college student even though she is in highschool. She just is an amazing girl who has my back. Then you got my Aunt Pam who is just an amazing woman! No matter who the person is she is nice to them and loves listening to the dumbest things you have to say. Then my cousins in general keep me laughing. My sister-n-law Kristi is so loving and she understands everything I am going through. Then my mommy and daddy they love me no matter how stupid I am. They don't care about my mistakes but they care that I fix them and love me for who I am. Then my lovely sister Rachel who loves me for who I am as well. She listens to all my crazy ideas and craziness and she also is my best friend. I am so lucky to have her be my sister for eternity. She seriously drops everything to listen to me. She teaches me all the cooking skills I need for when I get married. She is awesome! I have so many amazing family members who all teach me how to be a better person. I am so excited for spending eternity with them. Friends will leave you but family is forever! Also Stress Management is awesome! The breathing helps me relax and also helps me not get angry as easily as i used too. Another thing is how to become more Chelseafied is to get crazy! Just sing and dance even when people are watching and you will go far! Remember becoming Chelseafied is a tough task but you can do it!

Monday, February 7, 2011


First of all I would just like to say how good I am doing at blogging. It is amazing! Well lets see first of all this morning I was putting on my boots to walk to my bus stop when I couldn't put it on. That is weird I thought and dumped out my shoe and inside was a pink toy car.... Madison is so cute! I love how she loves going into my room and playing with my things. I guess I get a little taste into what Rachel had for so many years. It is cute though I love it. Then I had to catch the bus this morning because I have no car but that is a long story. I will talk about that later. The bus just stinks but I guess I will have to survive. I got in a great workout and now I am just sitting and pondering about my Intro to anatomy work. I must get it done. So this is the life of Chelsea. I don't have a lesson to become Chelseafied but don't worry it will come it will come!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Chelseafied Continued

First to start out I am now teaching the seven year old's in primary. We started today a sticker chart where if they are quiet and participate in Sharing Time they get a sticker and if they are quiet and listen and participate in class they get a sticker. They need a hundred stickers for a prize. My class was so reverent in Sharing Time then we went to class and it was like all mayhem broke loose. They were on some sort of laughing craziness spree! It drove me insane. I tried whispering and turning off the lights. I don't know what to do to get them to be reverent in class I am hoping next week they are but we will see. If you have any ideas let me know! Anything will help. So my Aunt Debbie was talking to me about how she could become more "Chelseafied." I told her that it would be hard but that every so often on my blog I would give her one thing to work on to become more "Chelseafied." So first things first I will give you one thing to work on each day. The first thing is to become more "Chelseafied" you need to be able to exaggerate and dramatize a story. Not in a bad way where it hurts people but just in a funny way like if you are telling a story about screaming about a tiny spider just change it to say the spider was HUGE like the size of my hand huge!!! Just little things like that and pretty soon you will be a little more "Chelseafied." Well that is it for me tonight. I will write some more soon. Oh and for those who want to manage their stress I recommend doing some deep breathing. You breath in and say 1 then breath out and say relax. Breathe in and say 2 and then breathe out and say relax. When you breathe in/out use your diaphragm not your shoulders. Do this whenever you feel stress and then you will feel more relaxed.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Well....I pretty much love my UV Mentor and Stress Management Classes! They are so fun! I also am loving every minute of Yoga even though some of the moves I can't do quite yet. So I lost my UV ID and parking pass but my friend found my parking pass and I found my UV ID in my PE locker at school! Well on Wednesday I met with my UV mentor's and my teacher because I am teaching this thursday! So we were talking about my lesson and things then we got on the topic of my many nicknames. One of the UV Mentors said: "My nickname for you is going to be Chelseafied. I can't wait for when you teach so I can become Chelseafied." It was pretty funny. Then my stress management class is teaching more and more about listening to my body's signals for stress and I have realized when I don't get enough sleep I get a cold! So now I am sleeping more and more. I also have found one of my favorite meditations is a quick nap. It is awesome! I will be posting more about my relaxation techniques. I also will probably start posting recipes and things. Oh and I got a postcard from my Uncle Steve who I hardly get to see and talk too! I was so happy that I got a postcard from him! It meant the world to me! Also for those of you who know my friend talked to me in school on Thursday and I texted him and he texted me back so I am hoping we become better friends. Anyways! That is it for now! Tonight my sister is coming over for her birthday and it should be a blast! Then tomorrow I get to babysit all her kids. So excited and also The Office Last night was pretty funny and cute! I loved it!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


So today was a perfect day! First of all in Intro to Anatomy we found out our first test next week was only on Chapter 1 and part of 2 instead of Chapter 1-3. Then I got a text from an awesome person and was so happy because I haven't heard from him in awhile. Then on top of that Yoga was amazing. I am learning more about my fears and to conquer them. My UV Mentor class was hilarious because a girl said: "Most guys feel like they are dominant when they are working with girls but they aren't." It was hilarious. Then on top of that Stress Management class was a comedy show. I love that class! One of my favorites!!! Then I came home and have been in a great mood since!!!! Holy Cow I loved today!!!!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Coach Boone

So UVU has been doing things to celebrate Martin Luther King day. They had Coach Boone come speak. Coach Boone, for those of you who don't know, is the coach off of Remember the Titans. He was the coach that lead the Titans to a win! It was way cool to see him in person! At first I didn't think I could go because I had a class but when I got to class today my professor told us that we were going because it is a once in a lifetime opportunity. His speech was pretty much AWESOME! First of all he said: "I told the team to become friends right now! Now there is a difference in right now and how we in the south say it is rate now. The difference is that Right now means do it whenever you get a chance. But rate now means do it so fast the Lord won't know what you did until next week." I was laughing so hard. He also told us that he told his team that the world would be watching them and they looked at him like sure they will. He said so I told them a story about a watch dog which goes a little something like this (This might not be word for word): A robber broke into a families house and started to take their heirlooms when he heard: "Hey robber, Jesus is watching." He looked around and didn't see anybody so he kept taking things when he heard: "Hey fool! Jesus is watching!" He shined the light into a corner and saw a bird and he asked the bird: "Are you talking to me?" and the bird said: "Ya." and the robber said: "What is your name?" and the bird said: "Moses." and the robber said "What fool would name a bird Moses?" and the bird said: "The same fool that name that watchdog Jesus." He tied this into that the community and world was watching his team so they better stick together and show what they believe in. He also told his team that you don't have to like each other I am not asking you that but you do have to respect each other. I could go on and on about things he said but to close when he first got there he said: "Usually Denzel and I do these motivational talks together but he couldn't come today. So he wanted me to tell you that he is a three time academy award winner but guess what you guys got the more good looking one out of the two so be grateful for that."

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

School, Family, and more

So school so far is doing pretty good. I love my institute class which is LDS History with Brother Barthelomew and I am actually helping with the class presidency so that is fun! I learn a lot in his class. I have my intro to anatomy class and we have not had a real class yet which bugs me but doesn't. I am taking a UV Mentor class which is so fun and actually I am loving it and hoping to become a UV Mentor. My first aid class is interesting and my Drugs, Behavior and Society class is so funny. Yoga is always awesome! I love Deni! Then I have a stress management class which is such a fun class and is very relaxing! lol! Hardly any stress. I am missing all my friends and cousins who are on missions right now. You really don't realize how much you talk to a person until they are gone....But I am so happy they are doing the Lord's work. I am teaching the seven year olds in primary and that is pretty fun. I can't wait for my Anne of Green Gables DVD to get here so I can watch it. Tomorrow I am babysitting for Rachel from three to six which should be fun. Hopefully we don't have anybody peeing their pants or anything to insane. Cross your fingers. Whenever I babysit Madison and Paul and Royal usually they tend to do something massive. Everything is going FANTASTIC!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

School is Starting!

School is starting back up tomorrow. After a nice break I get to go back to school tomorrow and start a couple of tough classes yes! I have to say I am excited for this new year!! I want to start running three K's so hopefully I can get back into shape after losing it over the break. I went running yesterday and usually I can run a full mile without stopping to walk but yesterday I had to walk a couple of times. Oh well! I am also excited to start YOGA up again with my new mat!!! I am really happy that Rachel got me that yoga relaxation C.D. because it helps me sleep! I got the best sleep ever a few nights ago! So Thanks Rachel!