Friday, July 29, 2011

School and Life

Well it has been a bit since I wrote but I feel like no one reads my blog so sometimes it is weird to write. Well so far on my list of 25 things I want to do before I am married is this:
1. River Rafting down the Snake (I know I am accomplishing this in a few weeks but I just wanted it on my list because it is a major thing for me)
2. EFY Counselor
3. Palmyra Pageant
4. Bachelors Degree (Respiratory Therapy and Community Health Education)
5. Make my shirt quilt (Most people won't understand what this is but you take a bunch of your old shirts and make a quilt)
6. Run a Half Marathon
7. Learn to Golf
8. Hike Timpanogos
9. Get into my weight range that I want to be in
10. Learn to bake/cook some of our family recipes

So I still have 15 more things to put on but this is a start. I am actually getting pretty excited for the Tetons trip. What I once feared is now turning into an exciting thing. I am still nervous but slowly am realizing that it will be fun. School has been taking over my life! Luckily I am almost done! On August 6!! HALLELUJAH! Actually it will be the 5th. I can't wait! I am so excited for family that is coming into town and I am especially excited to see my Cousin Chandler who will be coming home off his mission in a few weeks!!! I can't wait to see him! He is my favorite cousin on my dad's side of the family. It will be fun to have him home! He met my friend who is on his mission so I can't wait to see what Chandlers version of the story is. Well life is good. I am loving every minute of it and realizing how much I need to work on. I hope that everyone is having a good summer. Love ya'll!

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