Tuesday, July 12, 2011

More About Life

Hey All! So I decided to do a real post instead of a silly one. So my mom recently bought me a book written by a LDS author and I felt like it was written for me. I feel like everywhere I turn marriage is thrown into my face. I don't want to get married, yet. I don't feel ready but yet I feel a lot of girls my age are jumping in the water and getting married. Sometimes I feel like a failure to LDS society and that I should be dating someone seriously like most of the girls my age. So this book is about this girl who feels that same way. She decides to make a list of things she wants to accomplish before she gets married. A list of stuff she wants to do so she can be a better wife and maybe after she completes it she will be ready for marriage. I decided I will do just that. I am slowly coming up with things in my mind for my list. I just don't want to get married yet. I am not ready. I am lucky because I have sister-n-laws and a wonderful sister who agree with me but others around me I feel want me to get married. I will keep you updated on my list. I am so excited to read this book and I will keep you updated on it.
To all those girls out there who feel as I do you are not alone. Lol!

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