Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Story of The Frequent Flyers

Alright so here we go. I have lately been hanging out with some friends. One of them wanted me to post about them but specifically instead of just saying friends. We are pretty much an awesome group. We do things every weekend and usually have people come in and out. Sometimes they hang with us and other times they don't. We evolve so I am only going to mention the frequent fliers if you will:
Jason Hall: Jason Hall pretty much loves sports. He also makes really good treats and always wants to go out of Utah County or go out somewhere so we can meet people. So now we tend to try to go an adventure.
Jason K.: This Jason loves the games. If you mention that at the party "Bang" will be there, he comes. He pretty much keeps us all sane. He was the one I mentioned that came to all the Superbowl parties with me and also makes some pretty epic suggestions for going out to eat every weekend.
Megan Brooks: Megan is pretty much one of the coolest girls I have ever met. She is way down to Earth and has an amazing laugh. She makes delicious cookies (if I do say so myself) and never forgets you. She loves doing service for others whether that is throwing a surprise party or just doing something nice in general. She is there for you. She is also very good at match making. At least we all think so.
Heather Stembridge: I consider Heather a frequent flyer even though she comes off and on. She loves doing a whole plethura of stuff with us and is the one who goes about anywhere with you. She never complains and is someone who anyone can trust. She is also very good at supplying us with good conversation.
Jacob Bradshaw: He is the quiet but fun one. Jacob will sing Disney with me and pretty much just supply our group with some comedy relief. He is very good at coming when asked and is very good at disappearing at times when only one person knows where he is which is Jordin (his girlfriend).
Jordin Christensen: Jordin is pretty much one where you don't know what she is going to come up with next. She is really energetic and full of life. She supplies us with new games every now and again and will also bring anything to a party. She is dating Jacob and the whole group loves it so at times she isn't present because she is with Jacob.
Matt B.: Matt is one where you don't know if he will be in or out. He also might join up with you later. You never know with this guy but if he is there he is there. Matt doesn't mess around. Matt also enjoys "Bang". This is the frequent flyers. We have a lot of people who join us every now and again and we love when they do. It is a fun group and the coolest part is we all come from different backgrounds so each of us bring a lot to the table. I hope I did them all justice. If I didn't I am sure I will hear about it soon. :)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Superbowl and Mom Missing!

My dad had his Superbowl party again this year. He planned for weeks and invited about 15 people. Then a friend of mine and his wife threw another Superbowl party. So I went Superbowl hopping and Jason agreed to go with me on this grand adventure. The first party was my friend and his wife where the food was amazingly good! I didn't really want to leave. He had pulled pork and so much more that we missed because we then went to my father's party. Everyone was there: Rachel, Jordan, Madison, Paul, Royal, Trevor, Steven, Kristi, Lisa, Lori, Robert, Rachel & Chris (Kristi and Steven's friends),Andrew, Stephanie, Mom, Dad, Jason, and me! (Sorry if I missed anyone). :) My mom got a bunch of goodies and Steven grilled his famous chicken and there were drinks and goodness! :) After we ate some of us didn't want to watch the superbowl: Steven, Mom, Me, Jason, Andrew, and Stephanie learned how to play a really fun game that Steven taught us. It was a really fun game and we ended up playing  from 5-10 pm with only a short break to make Brownies! :) The Brownies were delicious thanks to Jason and I because we are brownie experts. If you ever need Brownies let me know.
Now to the sadness. The next day we said goodbye to my mom. She got on a jet plane and left us for a whole week! WHAT THE HECK?! :) She went to Oregon to visit Debbie! I was super sad I couldn't go with her. I also miss her cooking. Last night my dad had eggs and hashbrowns while I had a sandwich.  It also has been really quiet in the house. I was so occupied last night with FHE, homework, and sleep that it wasn't very loud. I am really grateful for my mom and that she is such a major part of my life that when she is gone I miss her. I miss talking to her and just having another girl in the house. There is a lot of Testosterone.
School is school. There isn't much to say about it. I have a couple night classes which is hard but I am getting through it and love all my professors. i am presenting at 2 conferences now which is amazing for a student to be able to do that. Both are statewide conferences for health professionals. One is up in Logan and the other is up in Salt Lake. I am really nervous but so excited I get this opportunity. I signed up for the CHES exam and now have to mail my transcripts to them. I can't believe that I am graduating in April. It is crazy insane! I love my ward. I have enjoyed being in Activities and planning those activities for my ward. I love my friends. They have helped me so much in life lately. They check up on me and we pretty much do something every weekend which is fun for me to stay busy. I love my institute classes and love going. It has been hard because on Thursday's I have been dealing with insurance companies. This week is a very slow one for me which will be nice instead of the craziness of last week. Thanks for Reading! Love you all! :)