Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Lucky Girl

I haven't written in awhile but am feeling so lucky and blessed. I am working now! I got a job at a company called Nutraceutical. I answer calls on questions people have about certain health products. It has been such a learning experience since I haven't had a job ever before. All I have known my whole life is school. So its been a way awesome learning experience and I get money which is a plus!
I feel so lucky and blessed also because I am dating seriously the most wonderful man....Jason Kocherhans. I met him at a group game night that some mutual friends of ours were at. We had been in the same ward but for some reason never noticed him and he never noticed me. We would be at the same activities but for some reason or another kept missing each other. I have a feeling it's because I wasn't ready for all his awesomeness. We have been dating since he says March and I say April. :) We seriously are by each others side a lot of the time. Either I go to his house in Highland after work or he is in Orem after I get off since I get off later than he does. It's surprisingly how well we fit together. He doesn't care if I sing in public (which most of you know is important). His sisters are very similar in that way so I realized that is why he doesn't get bothered by it and most importantly he lets me be myself.

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